शुक्रवार, जनवरी ३ २०२५, ०३:४१ (UTC)
Links for
Erkan Yilmaz
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wikimedia projects, where I am involved

wikimedia project English German
Thucydides: The Peloponnesian War course: "Peloponnesian War"
(Der Peloponnesische Krieg)
Topic:Software testing Kurs:Software-Test
Wikipedia user page user page
UTC time of data collection users total
articles files admins total
software version comment
२००८-फरवरी-१९, ००:४२ (UTC) ८० १२८ ६५ ३,८०१ 1.12alpha (r30892)
२००९-जनवरी-०४, ०२:५३ (UTC) ३१९ २०२ ६७ ४,०६० 1.14alpha (r45274)
२०२५-जन॰-०३, ०३:४१ (UTC) १२,६४० ६,५९९ १,२५९ ८१,७५२ 1.44.0-wmf.8 (f08e6b3)

leaning mechanisms

German English French
Gewöhnung / Habituation habituation habituation
klassische Konditionierung classical conditioning conditionnement classique
operante Konditionierung operant conditioning conditionnement opérant
Spielverhalten exploring / game explorer / jeu
Nachahmung -> Lernen d. Beobachtungen imitation -> learning by observing imitation -> apprendre par observations
Neukombiniertes Verhalten -> Lernen durch Einsicht recombinant behavior -> cognitive learning comportement nouveau combiné -> cognitif apprentissage
Prägung imprinting empreinte
Tradition tradition tradition

I am working in the IT-business in quality management. Also see my blog.
The first wiki article I wrote, was kind of much work. I thought at beginning it would take just 30 mins. I had everything prepared in notepad, but there has to be considered many things when writing a wiki-article. And then when I reached the neutrality point, I realized, what I wrote unconsciously in the article. So, lots of work at first, but now with time I get faster :-)

Do you think you can not change something in the world?
It is so simple, just remember:
if you help someone, this can cause a chain reaction.
If everyone, who gets help, helps 3 other people we can change something/quality (not only for software) in the world.

Muhammad Yunus had a small, easy idea, which helped to change the world.
Confucius (450BC): "Tell Me and I Will Forget; Show Me and I May Remember; Involve Me and I Will Understand."

We can do the same.
What is wrong being part of this movement NOW ?
Just do it!